Discovering a spouse's infidelity is one of the toughest things to go through in a marriage. If your husband is cheating on you,
you are bound to be experiencing a wide range of intense emotions: sadness, anger, fear, confusion and paranoia. Facing up to the reality of what he has done, and deciding how to move forward, take a great deal of courage.
you are bound to be experiencing a wide range of intense emotions: sadness, anger, fear, confusion and paranoia. Facing up to the reality of what he has done, and deciding how to move forward, take a great deal of courage.
No progress will be made if you and your husband do not talk about what has happened. Confronting your husband about his affair is an extremely difficult first step, but it is absolutely necessary to do this if he has not come clean of his own volition. If you have irrefutable evidence of the affair, such as text messages or emails from the other woman or credit card statements showing payments for flowers, lingerie or jewelry that were not for you, show this to him. If you don't have evidence, only suspicions, think carefully before confronting him; be prepared for him to deny an affair. Stay calm, explain how his behavior has made you feel, and ask him for complete honesty.
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